Кратка брошура на английски език от Иван Михайлов, в която той запознава американската публика с историята на Илинденското въстание.
"Ilinden is the most expressive moment of an epoch for the Macedonian people – the epoch of the liberation struggle. This, of course, still continues. It is an active and incoplete work. That for which the Ilinden generation had wished and dreamed is still the wish and dream of the present generation.
When at Lubotrn, Osogovo and near the Olympus mountain, there shall stand united in guard the sons of Macedonia – Bulgarians, Greeks, Albanians, Turks, Rumaninans, and others – then this shall not only be the beginning of a new epoch for Macedonia, but it will also mean that old Europe has healed one of its sorest spots. It shall mean a brighter future for south-eastern Europe. Moreover, it shall mean that a blot has been erased from the forehead of the cultured world. Briefly, it shall mean that the ideals of the Ilinden insurrection have been acomplished."
Източник: Сканирана от оригинален екземпляр
Автор: Иван (Ванчо, Ванче) Михайлов Гаврилов (1896-1990, Рим, Италия)
е легендарен български революционер, последният дългогодишен
лидер на ВМРО.
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